About me

Hello. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Statistics at the University of Michigan, where I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Jonathan Terhorst and Professor Long Nguyen. Before coming to the University of Michigan, I graduated as the valedictorian of Hanoi University of Science, class of 2019.

Here is a current version of my CV.

Research Interest

A central theme of my research focuses on:

  • Hierarchical Models: Identifiability, Statistical Efficiency, and Model Selection Methods
  • Population genetics and Phylogenetics
  • Statistical Optimal Transport

I study identifiability and parameter estimation for latent variable models such as mixture and admixture models with unknown number of components using optimal transport, empirical process theory, and Bayesian asymptotic theory. From that, we provide rigorous model selection methods for those models. I am also passionate about developing interpretable and computationally efficient hierarchical Bayesian methods with applications in genetics.

Preprints and Publications

* denotes equal contributions.